Departments > general-medicine > FacultiesFaculty Profile - Dr. Mary Grace N C

Basic Information
Career Profile
  • Experiences

    • 26 years
Research Profile
  • Journal Publications

    • Mary Grace, Saji Sebastian, Mini Sajeev.Platelet count to spleen diameter ratio in the prediction of varices in cirrhosis in Indian patients - an analytical cross sectional study. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research 2016;3(12):3491-3494.
    • Mary Grace NC, Jacob KJ, Rajesh KR, Vijayan S, Jayakrishnan C, Fatima, Mathini S. A prospective study on the clinical profile and outcome of patients with hyponatremia in a tertiary care centre in Kerala, South India. Public Rev: IntJPublichealthRes2016;3(2):70-74.doi:10.17511/ijphr.2016.i2.05
    • Grace M, Jacob KJ, Kumar AV,Shameer V.K. Role of dyslipidemia in stroke and comparison of lipid profile in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke -a case control study. Int J Adv Med 2016;3:694-8.
    • Mary Grace N C, Shameer V.K, Rajesh K.R, Raghavan R, Sreejesh, Sakti. A prospective observational study on the clinical profile of ischemic stroke in a tertiary care centre in Thrissur, Kerala. Int J Med Res Rev 2016;4(8):1371-1375.doi:10.17511/ijmrr.2016.i08.15.
    • Jacob K.J, Mary Grace N.C, Saleema, Safina F. Comparison of maternal and perinatal outcome among patients with gestational diabetes treated with either metformin or insulin - an observational prospective cohort study. Rev:J obstetGynecol 2017;3(1):01-05.doi: 10.17511/jobg.2017.i1.01.
    • Mary G, Chelakkat M, Asokan A. Acute coronary syndrome in elderly Public healthRev:IntJPublichealthRes2018;5(2):77-81.doi:10.17511/ijphr. 2018.i2.05.
    • Jacob MG, Chelakkat M. Incidence of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J.Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2020; 7(1),43-46. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2020/10
    • Grace M, K J Jacob, Shameer VK, Sudhiraj, Sarang V, Das R, Sooraj S. Incidence of spontaneous Intracranial Hemorrhage & utility of the ICH scores in stroke patients. Biomed Rev: J Basic Appl Med Sci 2015;2(3):37- 44. doi: 10.17511/jbams.2015.i3.03.
    • Grace M, Paul GA, Aravindan V, Afzal CM, Joy BA, Ajmal NM. Incidence and determinants of acute kidney injury following Mannitol therapy. MGM J Med Sci 2021;8:355-60.
    • Jacob MG, Sebastian S, Paul G, Chelakkat M, NM A, Joy BA, et al. Echocardiographic abnormalities in patients with chronic liver disease: Observations from Thrissur, Kerala, India. MGM J Med Sci 2021;8:383-9.
    • Mary Grace NC, Babu S, Joseph A, Jacob D, Benjamin AS, Anaghajyothi V, et al. Pattern of comorbidities and clinical profile of young adults who died due to severe coronavirus disease: A descriptive study. MGM J Med Sci 2022;9:522-9.