Departments > ophthalmology > FacultiesFaculty Profile - Dr. S Remadevi

Basic Information
Career Profile
  • Experiences

    • Associate Professor (Cadre)
    • TEACHING EXPERIENCE: PG & UG teaching - 23 years 4 months
  • Achievements

    • Fellowship in Orbit and Oculoplasty
    • Completed Basic course in Medical Education
Research Profile
  • Journal Publications

    • Devi R, Chakravarthy A.,A clinical study on acute ophthalmic manifestion and management of Steven Johnson Syndrome conducted at a teritary Centre of Thiruvanathapuram,Kerala. J.Evolution Med. Dent.Sci.2018;7(19):0000-0000,DOI:10.14260/jemds/2018/0000
    • Davis D, Remadevi S, Mamman A,et al. Factors affecting visual outcome in post operative cases of lens induced glaucoma- a prospective study. J.Evid Bases Med Healthc 2021;8(130):784-789.DOI:10.18410/jebmh/2021/154.
    • S Remadevi, Jacob Antony. A clinical study on ophthalmic manifestation of Rheumatoid arthritis based on patients attending Rheumatology department of Medical college Thiruvananthapuram,south Kerala.JMSCR. 2021;9(4):177-185.
    • Chronic Ocular Manifestation of Steven Johnson syndrome along Southern Kerala, India. S Remadevi, Sheela Bhasker. Journal of Medical science and Clinical Research. 2018;6(3): 421-431