Departments > ophthalmology > FacultiesFaculty Profile - Dr. Sujatha N

Basic Information
Career Profile
  • Experiences

    • Additional Professor (CAP)
    • 20Years, 3Months (2/5/2003 to present)
  • Achievements

    • Short term fellowship in strabismus
    • Completed revised Basic course in Medical education and BCBR
Research Profile
  • Journal Publications

    • Nambudiri S,Thulaseedharan S S, SeenaT.V. Ocular abnormalities in children with Down syndrome attending semi urban tertiary care centre in India-a cross sectional study J Evid Based MedHealthC 2021;8(02):75-79.DOI:10.18410/jebmh/2021/
    • N Sujatha, Sinumol Thulaseedharan, Nadeera A. Prevalence of Ocular changes in patients with end stage renal disease International journal of scientific research. Vol 7/Issue10/October2018/print ISSN No2277-8179.
    • Sukumaran S, Varma N, Sujatha N, KrishnaT D. Etiology of permanent visual Impairment among persons attending a disability board in Central Kerala. Kerala Jophthalmol2022; 34:123-9
    • Pradeep.N NarayanS, Sujatha.N ,Thulaseedharan.S, SudhaV. Relationship among standard vision tests, quality of life and ability to do activities in patients with glaucoma. Kerala J Ophthalmol 2021; 33:167=72.