
  • Arun Varghese
    • A comparison of Mallampati scoring, upper lip bite test and sternomental distance in predicting difficult intubation
    • Persistent Hiccups as a Potential Complication after Interlaminar Epidural Steroid Injection Should be Included in the Consent Form: A Case Discussion
    • Prevalence of Hyponatremia in Neurosurgical Patients in South India-An Institution-Based Observational study.
    • Why should mothers deliver with Pain Setting up of labour Analgesia suite in a tertiary care teaching hospital- A South Indian Experience
    • Clinico Epidemiological Profile Of Patients Attending The Pain Clinic Of A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital In South India
    • Clinico Epidemiological Profile of Patients Attending The Pain Clinic Of A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital In South India- A Descriptive Study
    • "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"-retrospective analysis of emergency surgeries performed in a tertiary care teaching hospital.
    • Can Dexmeditomidine be a better alternative to esmolol in attenuating the immediate stress response to direct laryngoscopy & tracheal intubation - Pilot Study
    • Dexmedetomidine as adjuvant to epidural bupivacaine for laparotomies- a double blind pilot study-
    • Ventilator Habits and Outcome of patient admitted in an Icu of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital-a Retrospective Analysis.
    • Cardiopulmonary and metabolic effects of yoga on healthy volunteers
    • "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"-retrospective analysis of emergency surgeries performed in a tertiary care teaching hospital.
    • Cardiopulmonary and Metabolic Effects of Yoga in Healthy Volunteers
    • Setting up and functioning of an Emergency Medicine Department: Lessons learned from a preliminary study
    • Epidural catheterization for perioperative therapeutic external lumbar cerebrospinal fluid drainage
    • Postoperative Analgesia In Paediatric Herniotomy-Comparison of caudal Bupivacaine To Bupivacaine Infiltration With Diclofenac Suppository
    • Setting up and functioning of an emergency medicine department: lesson learned from a preliminary study.
    • Epidural catheterisation for perioperative therapeutic external lumbar cerebrospinal fluid drainage
    • Dexmedetomidine as adjuvant to epidural bupivacaine for laparotomies- a double blind pilot study
    • Setting up and functioning of an Emergency Medicine Department: Lessons learned from a preliminary study
    • Improvised glove barrier for ultrasound probe protection
  • Bindu M
    • A comparative study of postoperative analgesia of bupivacaine or ropivacaine instilled through surgical drain in modified radical mastectomy
    • Prediction of difficult intubation: a comparative study of modified mallampatti test, upper lip bite test and ratio of neck circumference to thyromental distance.
    • Effect of preoperative pregabalin on postoperative pain relief in thyroidectomy patients: A prospective observational study
    • Postoperative Analgesic Requirements in Patients Receiving Intraoperative Dexmedetomidine Infusion
  • C.Baburaj
    • Anatomical features of neck as predictive markers of difficult laryngoscopy in men and women: a prospective study
    • Recovery profile folloeing general anaesthesia with isoflurane in relation to Body Mass Index and duration Anaesthesia in patients undergoing thyroidectomy
    • Observational study of lignocaine alone and lignocaine with dexmeditomidine for intravenous regional anaesthesia
    • Recovery profile following general anaesthesia with isoflurane in relation to body mass index and duration of anaesthesia in patients undergoing thyroidectomy
    • The Comparative Study of the Effect of Concomitantly Administered Ondansetron on Duration of Post -Operative Analgesia of Tramadol Hydrochloride in Patients Undergoing Gynaecological Surgeries
  • Amminikutty C M
    • Dexamethasone as an adjuant with Ropivacaine for supraclavicular brachial plexus block
    • Comparison of heart rate versus Pl in predicting hypotension during spinal Anaesthesia for caesarian delivery
    • Comparison of two doses of clonidine as an adjuvant to levobupivacaine for supraclavicular brachial plexus block
    • Postoperative Analgesia In Paediatric Herniotomy-Comparison of caudal Bupivacaine To Bupivacaine Infiltration With Diclofenac Suppository
    • Study comparing preemptive analgesic effects of oral gabapentine and clonidine against placebo in tital abdominal hysterectomy under combined spinal epidural Anaesthesia
    • Pneumothorax after modified radical mastectomy under general anaesthesia
  • E V JUBY
    • The Effect of Pre-Operative Warming in Preventing Hypothermia and Shivering in Patients for Lower Limb Surgery under Subarachnoid Block
    • Comparison of ILMA & IGEL as a conduit for blindendo tracheal intubation
    • Comparison of ILMA and I-GEL as a conduit for blind endotracheal intubation
    • Comparison of clinical performance of LMA supreme versus I-GEL
  • Neetha T C
    • Prevalence of Hyponatremia in Neurosurgical Patients in South India-An Institution-Based Observational study.
    • Comparison of Upper lip Bite Test and Ratio of Height to Thyromental distance in predicting difficult tracheal intubation in south indain population - A Descriptive study
    • Clinico Epidemiological Profile Of Patients Attending The Pain Clinic Of A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital In South India
    • Clinico Epidemiological Profile of Patients Attending The Pain Clinic Of A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital In South India- A Descriptive Study
    • Comparison of analgesic efficacy of Intravenous Regional AnaesthesiaWith Lignocaine and Tramadol Versus Lignocaine and Ketorolac-A Randomized Control Trial
    • Comparison of analgesic efficacy of lignocaine with tramadol versus lignocaine with ketorolac in regional anaesthesia
  • Praseetha V K
    • Awareness of Basic Life Support & Advanced Life Support among Students in a Medical College in Kerala
    • The Effect of PEEP on Cross Sectional Area of Right Internal Jugular Vein in Anaesthetised Patients Using Ultrasonography - An Observational Study
    • A Comparative Study of Palonosetron and Ondansetron for Prevention of Post-Operative Nausea and Vomiting in Patients undergoing Thyroidectomy Held at Central Kerala
    • "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"-retrospective analysis of emergency surgeries performed in a tertiary care teaching hospital.
  • Remani K K
    • Incidence of Intraoperative Hypotension and Bradycardia in Spinal Anesthesia with 0.5% Bupivacaine alone and 0.5% Buivacaine with Fentanyl for Abdominal Hysterectomy
    • Ultrasound Guided transversusabdominis Plane block versus standard analgesia care for post operative pain relief following total abdominal hysterectomy, an observational study
    • Intravenous regional anaesthesia a prospective cohort study
    • Survey of current practice of supraglottic airway practices in Pediatric Anaesthesia from India
  • Shaji K R
    • A Comparison of postoperative analgesic effect of ketamine versus midazolam with .5% Lignocaine for intravenous regional anaesthesia
    • Effect of Additon of Buprenorphine versus Dexmeditomidine to Lignocaine with Adrenaline in Surpraclavicular brachial plexus block- a comparative study
    • Intravenous regional anaesthesia a prospective cohort study
    • Can Dexmeditomidine be a better alternative to esmolol in attenuating the immediate stress response to direct laryngoscopy & tracheal intubation - Pilot Study
    • Effect of diureties on predictors of TURP syndrome
    • A Study of Biomedical Parameters in TURP syndrome
    • Effect of duretics on hyponatremia following TURP
  • Sunil Manikkath
    • Comparative study of constant dose intrathecal hypobaric levobupivacaine with varying baricities in lower limb surgeries
    • Dexamethasone as an adjuant with Ropivacaine for supraclavicular brachial plexus block
    • Awareness of Basic Life Support & Advanced Life Support among Students in a Medical College in Kerala
    • The Effect of PEEP on Cross Sectional Area of Right Internal Jugular Vein in Anaesthetised Patients Using Ultrasonography - An Observational Study
    • Comparison of ILMA & IGEL as a conduit for blindendo tracheal intubation
    • Dexamethasone as an adjuvant with ropivacaine for supraclavicular brachial plexus block
  • Sunilkumar T S
    • A Comparative Study of Palonosetron and Ondansetron for Prevention of Post-Operative Nausea and Vomiting in Patients undergoing Thyroidectomy Held at Central Kerala
    • A Comparitive study on inthecal Hypobaric and Hyperbaric Bupivacaine in Unilateral Lower limb Surgeries under Lumbar Sub Arachnoid Block held i in central part of Kerala
    • A Comparitive study on Attenuation of Stress Response during Direct Laryngoscopy and Endotracheal intubation with Dexmeditomidine and Lignocaine in Kerala
    • Comparison of Crystalloid Colloid with or without Phenylephrine infusion for prevention of Hypotension following sub arachnoid block for cesarean section.