General Info Emergency/Casuality

24 Hours x 7 Days Emergency Services are provided at Thrissur Medical College Hospital.

Emergency Team

The team consists of Medical superintendent/RMO/Chief Nursing Officer with support of doctors and hospital staff.

24x7 Resident Doctors 

For the following departments, Resident doctors are available for emergency services.

  • General Medicine
  • Surgery
  • Orthopedics
  • OMFS
  • ENT
  • Preventive medicine
  • Ophthalmology
  • Gynecology
  • Oncology


24x7 On-Call Casuality Doctors

For the following departments, doctors are available to attend casuality patients and their MOs staying in the respective department wards.

  1. Neuro surgery
  2. Nephrology
  3. Surgery
  4. Neuro medicine
  5. Urology
  6. Psychiatry
  7. Dermatology
  8. Pediatric Surgery
  9. Interventional Radiology


On-Call Doctors

Doctors who stay nearby the hospital premises are also available for the service on-call. 


24x7 Casuality Facilities

  1. Helpdesk – yet to start
  2. Waiting area
  3. Training area
  4. Red Zone
  5. Yellow Zone
  6. Separate Procedure room for Surgery, Ortho
  7. Injection Room
  8. ABG , Blood call for lab
  9. CT
  10. MRI
  11. In hospital Pharmacy
  12. X-ray
  13. FAST
  14. Ultrasound – day Only
  15. Ambulance Services
  16. Drinking Water Facilities and Toilet
  17. Cash counter/ Paying counter
  18. Internal security and police Aidpost
  19. DSA
  20. Casualty ICU
  21. Casualty OT
    • ECG
    • Body holding area
    • PRO (Public Relation officer)
    • Observation Room – male & Female
    • Plaster Room
    • Stomach washroom
  22. Patient Transportation Services
    1. Buggy Services
    2. Trolley, Wheel cahiers