General Info Patient Benefit Schemes

Karunya Arogya Suraksha Padhathi (KASP)

Provides health cover of Rs. 5 lakhs per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization to over 42 Lakhs poor and vulnerable families. More Info

Karunya Benavelant Fund (KBF)

An assurance scheme of the State Government which provides financial aid for poor people suffering from serious ailments, by raising funds through Kerala lottery.  More Info


Thalolam, a state government venture implemented to provide free treatment to children affected with chronic diseases such as haemophilia, cerebral palsy, among others, is turning out to be a costly affair for the scheme’s supposed beneficiaries, thanks to the apathy of hospital officials.  More Info

Cancer Suraksha

Free treatment for cancer to children under 18 who are in BPL families.  More Info


Provides cochlear implant to children selected by Regional and State level technical committees along with financial support.  More Info


Rashtriya Bala Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)

Program to improve the overall quality of life of children enabling all children achieve their full potential; and also provide comprehensive care to all the children in the community.  More Info

Arogya Kiranam

State-run health entitlement scheme, catering to health care needs of 0 to 18-year-old children, in government hospitals of Kerala.  More Info


Janani Sisu suraksha Karyakram (JSSK)

The scheme entitles all pregnant women delivering in public health institutions to absolutely free and no expense delivery, including caesarean section.

Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY)

Centrally sponsored scheme, which integrates cash assistance with delivery and post-delivery care.  More Info

Post Partum Sterilisation    

Compensation scheme for permanent surgical procedure that removes the fallopian tubes to prevent pregnancy after giving birth.

Non Scalpal Vasectomy    

Compensation scheme for male sterlisation.

Special New born Care Unit    

Neonatal units that provide care for sick newborns.

LaQshya Scheme

Ensures Quality of Care during intrapartum and immediate post-partum period in Labour Room and Maternity OT.  More Info

Sukrutham Scheme

Kerala government program that provides free cancer treatment to the poor. 

Hrudyam Scheme

Kerala goverment scheme to support children with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD).  More Info

Club Foot Programme

Compensation scheme for club foot treatments and surgeries.

Kathoram Scheme

State govt scheme that provides free surgery to hearing-impaired child ren in the age group of 0-5 years.


Aawaz For Migrant Workers

Gives coverage to migrant workers for medical treatment for illness or injury.

Aashadhara For hemophilia Patients

Compensation scheme by Kerala Govt to give treatment to those who suffer from inherited blood-related disorders like Haemophilia, Thalassemia and Sickle cell anaemia.

MEDiSEP Scheme

This scheme provides comprehensive health insurance coverage to all serving employees of the State Government including the High Court of Kerala.  More Info